Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Crazy Christine from Delaware Zoinks!

Ok.  This one is just too easy.  Crazy Delaware Candidate Christine Whateverhercrazyassnameis  claims to be a Constitutional Law expert...



Mrs. Clarence Thomas' verbal Zoinks!

The New Yorker reports that Mrs. Clarence Thomas has left a voicemail asking Professor Anita Hill for an apology.  One sentence says it all:
 "I would love you to consider an apology sometime and some full explanation of why you did what you did with my husband."


  • Consider is an incredibly weak word to use here... if Mrs. Thomas really believed her husband had been lied about.
  • 'Sometime' and 'some full explanation'!  Why not a full, full explanation?  Now?  Perhaps because Professor Hill already provided the 'full' full explanation almost 20 years ago...
  • 'Why you did what you did...' An example of Mrs. Thomas distancing herself from her husband's bad behavior? We could expect, if she believed her husband, for Mrs. Thomas to say something like 'why you lied.'  Apparently 20 years is not distance enough.
  • And I love this one best of all... 'what you did WITH my husband.'  Zoink-a-rama!  'WITH' indicates complicity on her husband's part.  A true believer clearly would have said 'TO my husband.'
